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Our History of Excellence

Concordia University Irvine Forensics

Since its founding in 2007, 康科迪亚的法医团队已经成为美国西部首屈一指的全方位服务法医团队. 我们的全方位取证小组在演讲和辩论活动中一直名列全国前十. 我们才华横溢的教练组确保您将获得一对一的关注,同时在同龄人中茁壮成长. While we love winning trophies, 我们最关心的是教我们的学生变得聪明, honorable, and cultivated citizens after graduation.

Forensics Scholarships

我们根据学生的需要和成绩,每年提供高达8000美元的奖学金. 在2021年3月1日截止日期之前填写申请,以便优先考虑.

Scholarship Application

What Students are Saying

Coaching Staff

康考迪亚大学欧文分校为教练组的男女成员感到非常自豪. 每个星期,这些男男女女花无数的时间给学生. Here is a little bit more about them.

Konrad Hack

Konrad Hack

Director of Forensics

[email protected]

Sean Nowlan

Sean Nowlan

Director of Debate

[email protected]

Blake Longfellow

Blake Longfellow

Director of Individual Events

[email protected]

Danielle Schum

Danielle Schum

Individual Events Coach

[email protected]

View Full Bios

Events Offered

  • After Dinner Speaking
  • Communication Analysis
  • Drama Interpretation
  • Dramatic Duo
  • Extemporaneous Speaking
  • Impromptu Speaking
  • International Public Debate
  • Informative Speaking
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate
  • National Parliamentary Debate
  • Persuasive Speaking
  • Poetry Interpretation
  • Program Oral Interpretation
  • Prose Interpretation

Our Individual Events Program

According to a growing body of research, 公共演讲和沟通技巧对事业成功至关重要. 我们的个人活动计划教导学生克服他们对公开演讲的恐惧, 同时磨练竞争和研究技能,这将持续一生. We have placed 1st over 156 times, advanced at national tournaments over 72 times, and advanced at tournaments over 1,716 times in the history of our program. 在过去的三年里,我们的项目在全国个人项目中排名前十.

Our Debate Program

美国的政治形势变化很快. 我们的辩论课程使学生能够通过批判性思维技能和屡获殊荣的研究技术随时了解和了解当前的政治气候. 康考迪亚大学欧文辩论举办了两次全国议会辩论协会的全国抽奖锦标赛, 以及2018年全国循环赛最佳演讲者称号. 我们的项目是国内唯一一个连续五年让学生进入全国前八名的团队.

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National Titles Held

2nd Place

2nd Place


2nd Place

2nd Place


1st Place

1st Place

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1st Place

1st Place


3rd Place

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3rd Place

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7th Place

2019 National Forensics Association

3rd Place


2nd Place

2nd Place

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2nd Place

2nd Place

2017 NPDA Sweepstakes

2nd Place

2nd Place

2016 NPDA Championship
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1st Place

1st Place

2015 NPDA Sweepstakes Championship
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2nd Place

2nd Place

2014 NPDA Sweepstakes
Read Story »

1st Place

1st Place

2013 NPDA Sweepstakes Championship
Read Story »

6th Place

2019 National Speech Championship

4th Place

2017 National Speech Championship

1st Place

1st Place

2018 National Round Robin Top Speaker
Read Story »

9th Place


Where Are They Now?

康考迪亚大学欧文法医学学院为学生提供严格而有竞争力的演讲和辩论课程,教授他们顶级的研究和公共演讲技巧. These skills prepare them for law school, graduate school, professorships, 并在全国知名大学和顶级企业获得专业就业机会, as seen in the sampling of examples below.

Alumni Attending Law School

  • Baylor University School of Law
  • Duke University School of Law
  • Notre Dame University School of Law
  • 乔治梅森大学的安东宁·斯卡利亚法学院
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院
  • University of San Francisco of Law

Alumni Attending Graduate School

  • Arizona State University
  • Baylor University College of Medicine
  • CSU-Fullerton
  • Louisville University
  • New York University
  • Pepperdine University School of Business
  • University of California Irvine
  • University of Chicago
  • University of San Francisco
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • Wayne State University

Alumni at Work

  • 10th Circuit United States Court of Appeals
  • 美国流行病恢复特别监察长律师顾问.S. Department of the Treasury
  • 白宫总统的副助理律师
  • Director of Debate, Lewis and Clark College
  • Director of Debate, Grand Canyon University
  • Director of Forensics, Schreiner University
  • Executive Director, Club Parli
  • Law Clerk, Pearce Lewis, LLP
  • Logistics, Development & Policy Analysis, Daylight Transportation
  • Petty Officer, United States Navy
  • 美国第一政策研究所政策分析师
  • Policy Analyst, Cafe Con Leche Republicans
  • President and Founder, The Helmsmen Institute
  • Professor, Moorpark College
  • Professor, Glendale Community College
  • Research Policy Intern, Niskanen Center
  • Senior Analyst, Cadmus Group
  • Senior Legislative Assistant, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Quantitative Analyst, RAND Corporation
  • 圣巴巴拉资产管理公司研究分析师
  • 研究助理:伊斯兰观察,中东论坛

Get in Touch

我们的鉴证小组就像一个亲密的校园家庭,我们希望你能加入. 请博彩平台网址大全的法医主任了解更多信息.

Konrad Hack
Director of Forensics
[email protected]

告诉我们您感兴趣的俱乐部,我们的ASCUI俱乐部专员将为您联系 the right people.

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